Tag Archives: India

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* Sydney Chaplin, whose accomplishments include negotiating Charlie’s major contracts, speaking film’s first talkie word (“coffee”), and founding the first private US airline (which he closed because of the burden of government regulations, such as requiring pilots have licenses). (Courtesy: A Dog’s Life)

* Antam Sanskar and Sikh services. (Courtesy: MV)

* Crore, lakh, and the Indian numbering system. (Courtesy: India This Week)

* Apollo 10, the full dry run for Apollo 11’s moon landing, didn’t include enough fuel in the lander’s tanks to return home. NASA wanted to mitigate the astronaut’s desire to execute the final lander steps in order to the be the first people on the moon. (Courtesy: TechCrunch)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* Dropbox is a hot destination for Valley talent these days. Perplexing. (Courtesy: Valley insiders, let’s say)

* In India, deities can own property, but they are treated as minorities. (Courtesy: The New Yorker)

* La Muette de Portici‘s role in the formation, and fear of its role in the deformation, of Belgium. (Courtesy: The New Yorker)