Tag Archives: spam

Spam’s Evolution

Someone should put together a history of the evolution of spam. I assume no one has done this yet, which is probably a silly assumption.

In the few months I have been working with blogs, both this and ones at work, I have seen how blog spam has evolve. The latest evolution, apparently, is the use of jokes in the comment box. I suppose the thinking is that if it is funny, you will follow the link provided. Here’s one example that was on this site before I deleted it:

why’d the monkey fall outta the tree?
’cause he was dead…

And another:

Two men were changing in the locker room after a game of tennis. One notices the other one is putting on pair of stockings and suspenders. He says “When did you start wearing them?” To which the other man replies “Since my wife found a pair on the back seat of the car.”

I found both amusing and considered keeping them on the site, until Ben and GR harassed me into deletion.