Tag Archives: offices

Furious Ben TCBing It

Despite having written the worst blog post in the blogosphere, Furious Ben has been on fire with some outstandingly interesting posts and series.

I liked this personal tale of slugging, something that is fairly well known around here but I don’t know anyone who has actually done it–probably because I don’t know anyone that lives in the middle of nowhere.

My favorite, though, is the evolution in his workspace. Ben has moved from the standard sitting type work environment to one where he is walking on a treadmill while working. The posts are short and interesting so make your way through; I think I missed some but you get the idea:

  1. Standing: the plan
  2. Standing while working: first impressions
  3. Standing not getting tiring
  4. Standing is working out
  5. Minor rearrangement of furniture
  6. Ben takes his first steps
  7. Being productive with work and walk