Tag Archives: EP

Life Update and Aim To Write More

I haven’t written on this site in forever, and I miss doing it (especially for the music). Now that life has settled a bit, I plan to write more often.

As a way of catching people up: I bought a place, moved in, and am mostly settled. The major goal now is to decorate and set the place–and, thankfully, EP is doing a great job helping me in this regard. I just switched projects at work and love the new responsibilities and environment. And my hiatus from frequent travel has ended (which probably is not a good thing for this blog).

Now I just have to survive this housewarming party…

Presentation On Follow-up Research On Second-Order Election Model Posted

I have posted the PowerPoint file Nils Ringe and I presented in New Orleans at the 2007 Southern Political Science Association conference. The presentation–titled Refining and Redefining the Second-Order Election Model: Protest or Pure Preference Voting in Central and Eastern Europe–may be difficult to follow, especially if you are not familiar with the second-order election model (SOEM) or our earlier research.

As you can read on my Projects page, this research is a follow-up effort to our earlier work that finds the SOEM does not hold well in eastern and central Europe. Unfortunately, we are having a data and small-n problem, which is leading us to have little to report. The project is on hold at least until later this year.