Pitchfork Sucks (for real this time)

When pressed to comment about Pitchfork, I usually dismiss it as the stuff of hipsters everywhere. But if asked privately for general outstanding sources of music news, I always include it. Now, however, I am dropping it from my recommendation list, because the writing has sunk from elitist erudite dissections to snarky editorialized drivel. Although the past month or so has been filled with news posts along these lines, this dis on Miley Cyrus is the straw that broke my two-humped camel back.

First, Cyrus criticizing Radiohead is not news. Second, slamming Cyrus at every opportunity is child’s play. Third, making her out to be an idiot is a bit odd when taking into account that she’s got gajillions of dollars over anyone associated with Pitchfork; this is essentially my Paris Hilton defense: Who’s the stupid one if she’s raking in the bucks and you’re sitting pinching pennies so you can buy another Miller Lite?

My last problem with the post is the assumption she is incapable of holding a worthwhile conversation about music just because she is involved in the pop machine. The decision to make that type of music does not mean she is clueless about music (or anything else for that matter). And if you work the logic backwards, does Pitchfork assume that everyone who listens to “sophisticated” or “good” music is a musical genius worth reading? If we were to simply dismiss anyone based on their musical tastes, I would be the first to dismiss Pitchfork for their schoolgirl obsession with Kanye, whose one-trick-pony production style and crybaby antics put him in the pantheon of spoiled overrated undertalented noisemakers.

3 thoughts on “Pitchfork Sucks (for real this time)

  1. Ab

    Amen, hit the nail on the head on this one. They also suck because of their obsession with Radiohead. I’m a huge fan of theirs but I don’t deify them. They also suck because of their strange obsession with nasty down south rap.

  2. Jared_B

    Ugh…Pitchfork is the worst music site on the internet. You should check out RipFork, it’s friggin hilarious.

  3. JK

    Awesome! (RipFork, that is)

    I like the About section: “I was a rock critic for a few years. And then I vomited.”

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