Tag Archives: sports

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* American lobsters threaten European lobsters, mainly by their larger claw which wins in fights and woos the lady lobsters. (Courtesy: William Mauldin/WSJ)

* Finally, I’m a good hitter–at least in the world of Whiffle-ball home-run derby. (Courtesy: Personal experience)

* The real tennis community is big and vocal enough to have a trending Twitter hashtag during the 2016 Real Tennis World Championship. (Courtesy: National Tennis Club and its HD stream)

* The first American staging/context of Wager’s Ring Cycle is excellent. (Courtesy: Personal experience)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* The New York Yankees air dry their laundered uniforms, and visiting teams have laundry facilities and staff. (Courtesy: NYT)

* Motion detecting towel dispensers use D batteries. (Courtesy: Personal experience)

* Cull is the term for a lobster missing a claw. Pistol is the term for a lobster with no claws. (Courtesy: Cull & Pistol)

* October is considered an appropriate time to start selling Christmas ornaments. (Courtesy: Kennedy Center)

* RSAP (Renoir Sucks at Painting) Movement. (Courtesy: NYT)

* USGS uses Twitter and other social media data to supplement seismic instrument data to detect earthquakes. (Courtesy: Fellow Party Attendee)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* C&C systems aren’t always patchable. (Courtesy: Bruce Schneier)

* Italy has an incredible history and relationship with dubbing. (Courtesy: Harper’s Magazine)

* Kobe beef doesn’t exist in the US, unless it’s smuggled. (Courtesy: Forbes)

* There should be a job title of software technician. (Courtesy: Aaron Iba)

* Roller derby women are fit! (Courtesy: Surburbia Roller Derby)