Tag Archives: lessons

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* In the late 19th century, women wore posy holders. There was a lot of variety, but the ornate ones are beautiful and many had ring attachments so they could dangle. (Courtesy: Smithsonian Gardens)

* The joy and amusement of watching people who have never played Pac-Man before trumps my desire to play. (Courtesy: Smithsonian American Art Museum)

* GMail searches don’t auto-stem. I’m shocked and appalled (that I just learned this). (Courtesy: Personal experience)

* 1982 Bordeaux wines are historically important for the evolution of the wine market. (Courtesy: The New York Times)

* General Ulysses S. Grant’s relationship with Jews, including General Orders No. 11, which expelled them from areas under his control during the Civil War, and his, later, assistance in eastern Europe. (Courtesy: The New Republic)

* Pyongyang’s subway system is more extensive than I expected, although it does not appear to be expanding. Plus, it has significance in the context of world subway systems (other sites with good information or photos: Unofficial Pyongyang Metro). (Courtesy: North Korean Economy Watch)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* There are more than 400 fashion-related bloggers in the DC area. (Courtesy: Pink Line Project)

* Pledge cleans stainless steel. (Courtesy: VS)

* Email-list services don’t let companies share their own lists (e.g., dump the list, pass it to another company) for free. (Courtesy: GR)

* The IRS explicitly states that designated terrorist organizations are not permitted to apply for tax-exempt (i.e., 501(c)(3)) status. (Courtesy: IRS)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* Disney has an adult fashion line, Disney Couture. The line was established in 2006. (Courtesy: Rediff)

* Trend Micro now positions itself as a cloud specialist. (Courtesy: eWeek)

* Clocks don’t make many appearances in Bollywood films. (Courtesy The New Yorker)

* My car’s clock handles Leap Year dates but not daylight savings. (Courtesy: Personal experience)

* Funeral music is neither depressing nor uplifting, the two emotions I expected when starting a two-disc set titled Funeral Music. (Courtesy: V/A Funeral Music (EMI Classics))