Tag Archives: lessons

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I’ve learned this week:
* Black ASL (Courtesy: Washington Post)

* Fifteen percent of lung cancer cases are in non-smokers. (Courtesy: New Yorker)

* The country’s oldest endowed chair is the Hollis Chair of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School. The chair was established in 1721. (Courtesy: NYT)

* Push presents. (Courtesty: EC)

* Mel Brooks co-created Get Smart. (Courtesy: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* Sharp invented the mechanical pencil. Sharp’s Wikipedia page identifies a few other cool inventions from the company, including the first camera phone. (Courtesy: Bloomberg)

* Careering means: “Move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way in a specified direction”. (Courtesy: RC)