Tag Archives: help

Parse Error when Installing StatusNet

I successfully installed StatusNet (nee: Laconica) this morning to my Web server, but in doing so I came across an issue that appears undocumented.

The StatusNet install is simple and straightforward. You UL the relevant files to your server and then visit the install path in your browser. StatusNet asks you to fill in several basic fields, including MySQL db info, admin info, and basic about-type info. Once you click Save, StatusNet installs the software, structures your previously created, blank MySQL db, and creates the config.php file using the information you entered on the install page.

After I had filled in the information, I clicked Save and, instead of being greeted by a success page, I saw an error along these lines:
install config.php parse error unexpected T_STRING.

I searched the config.php file for something that might be problematic, but couldn’t find anything. In addition, I did several searches, but again nothing. After about an hour, I tried removing an apostrophe I had put in my StatusNet install name (“Jsn’s”). That did the trick (although I had to delete and recreate the MySQL db and config.php files).

Hope that helps.

Good Music Lull

I know I’ve been out of the country a lot lately, but I’m pretty sure there hasn’t been a single album of note that’s been released in the past two months.

Quick, prove me wrong.