Tag Archives: culture

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* Belgium has the highest concentration of street lights in Europe and keeps most of them on at night. (Courtesy: Milan Schreuer/NYT)

* British Parliamentarian acts were, until only recently, recorded on parchment made out of calfskin. (Courtesy: Jenny Gross/WSJ)

* French Empire chandeliers are a devil to assemble. (Courtesy: Personal experience)

* Shelley Berman as someone other than Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Larry David’s father. (Courtesy: Peter Keepnews/NYT)

* The Venice Charter, which outlines how restoration of monuments and sites should be handled. (Courtesy: Benjamin Ramm/NYT)

Things I Learned this Week

Among the things I learned this week:
* There are less than 10 full-time classical critics on the staffs of US newspapers. (Courtesy: Alex Ross/New Yorker)

* Orson Welles was a fan of Taxi. (Courtesy: Boing Boing)

* A conversation between William F. Buckley and Grouch Marx is not nearly as interesting as expected. (Courtesy: Personal Experience)